Sunday, July 12, 2009

Does a woman's rejection turn a guy into a ferocious womanizer???

This is actually a tag line of a movie called Just Friends!! When I was just scanning the television I came across this movie, whose plot summary was the above line. I sought of related this to flirts. So I apparently ended up with this question. Why do people flirt? Outwardly speaking the answer might be “Dude!! It’s just for fun.’’ But is that why people really flirt? When a guy is turned down by a girl, it would indubitably hurt his ego. So would the case be with the girls when her love isn’t acknowledged by her guy. The rejection might in few cases lower their self esteem. In order to defend their self esteem they might flirt excessively with the opposite gender. Sometimes they flirt with any random person so that they could get back with their ex(sometimes d jealous factor works too). There are people who flirt just for being friends with someone. Even when the people of the opposite gender don’t flirt back, they still flirt hoping to be at least friends with them. Most of us have pre conceived notions that when a guy or a girl is over friendly to us from the word go, we tend to doubt their genuine intentions. So flirting is when a person is just fooling around with no serious intentions of getting committed. What really makes people to fall for flirts? It’s their cheesy sweet talks, the act of flattery and the way they pay attention even to the smallest details. I don’t understand why people get eager to have their most basic behaviours confirmed to them!! There would be dozen of flirts, but what really works is how well they impress the opposite gender. So they end up saying things which they eventually don’t mean. Any prudent person would know to differentiate between genuine comments & otherwise. So what’s the demarcation between flirting and harassing? To keep it simple, when the flirtatious comments are disturbing, there harassing begins. So as far as the flirts do not enter your private space, it’s all fine!! Once you are uncomfortable, never hesitate to say no to them!! But in few rare cases, over a period of time, you find that the so called flirts actually become your good friends!! Life’s like that!!